Route through the cemetery of Sitges

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iri Poesia

The cemetery of Sitges was located, in front of the Parish Church of Sitges, until 1814 that was moved to the current location, which was then the outskirts of Sitges and today is again within the town center.

Part of one of the unique guided tours of Sitges this route is a walk through the most intimate Sitges.

A tour of the old modernist cemetery of Sant Sebastià, with a claustral floor, with a chapel and elevated perimeter walls.

The cemetery gardens are designed to awaken a series of feelings to visitors, so there are certain "rules" or indications for the funeral garden to make sense,
so that both architecture and landscape speak and transmit.

The cemetery of Sitges contains a great wealth of heritage from various eras.

The history of the cemetery of Sitges is related to the history of the "Americans", these were the first to enjoy a monumental burial.

In the cemetery of Sitges you can see, therefore, a good example of the monumental funerary sculpture of the late nineteenth century
and early twentieth century, of great relevance, modernist and novecentista sculpture.

Outstanding works by sculptors Josep Llimona, Frederic Marés, Manuel Fuxà, Agapit Vallmitjana, Alejandro Mariotti, Josep Reynés, Joan Rebull or Pere Jou, who share the leading role with renowned modernist architects, shaping this artistic ensemble where both the “Americans” were buried ”Like the artists and illustrious characters of the town.

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