Curiosities about Sitges Carnival

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The Sitges Carnival is full of curious, funny and interesting anecdotes, for sure, but ... do you know where its fame comes from?

The Sitges Carnival began to acquire fame and notoriety at the end of the 19th century, with the birth of the El Retiro Recreational Society founded in 1870 and the Prado Suburense Casino founded in 1877. Both entities were the engines of local social activity and rivalry among them was patent.

The members of "El Retiro" used to be people harmed by industrialization and those of "El Prado" used to be the ones favored by it. That is how the rivalry between the two entities arose, which caused that during the carnivals, both the one and the other, wanted to shine more than their rival. The competitiveness between both associations made the waste of resources and creativity to play in favor of Carnival itself, which became one of the most spectacular of the time, reaching the fame that still retains today because it has never lowered the bar of quality that in their day they marked the first entities that participated.

Sitges celebrates its Carnival more than 100 years ago, although during the civil war its celebrations were rather anecdotal and during the Franco era, with the permissiveness of the local administration, it was celebrated in a more hidden way. 2021 will surely go to the sitgetana history as the year when a pandemic temporarily transformed into a virtual carnival, but still, Sitges Carnival is always held on a high 


Source: Wikipedia

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